Thursday, 14 March 2013

The Voice of a Bunian Ruler

Bentara Tujuh had recently released a video recording of his conversation with the Supreme Ruler of the Bunian Kings, Puteri Sari. The conversation was recorded in Malay, and it addressed the issue of Bunian currency, banks and treasure. Puteri Sari sounded pretty annoyed by what humans claim to be "Bunian Currency" and being able to make loans from Bunian Banks. In my research, I have come across several websites that advertise this. Some offer loans from Bunian Banks, while others offer artefacts such as precious stones and jewellery for sale, allegedly from the Bunian world.

Puteri Sari was furious over these false claims and stated that this was all the doing of the evil jins. She stated that there was no such thing as a Bunian Bank, and that the Bunian had not need for currency. Their world is a rich, magical one. She also touched upon shamans and witch doctors who use keris and employ jin and iblis in their rituals.

I have here the recording from Bentara Tujuh's youtube channel, linked with permission. I will attempt an English transcript of the conversation for the reading pleasure of us who do not speak Malay.

In the mean time, I present to you Her Majesty Puteri Sari...


  1. dia ni pulak jadi hamba makhluk ni tanpa dia sedar... masyallah , sebenar benar khalifah siapa... kaum adam atau hawa?

    kat mana ni... meh tok nak p jumpa juga....

    1. dewa dewi ada ayap, di indon org panggil dedemite. sejenis makhluk kanan iblis. org kuat iblis... jangankan berpakain begini, nak pakai berjubah pun boleh, hanya Nabi Muhammada sahaja dia tak boleh tiru.

      Belajar tak habis , dah main nak bukak blog ajar ajaran sesat di dalam kebaikan.

      Saudara...iblis menyesatkan manusia di dalam kebaikan, bukan di dalam kejahatan.. kembalilah ke jalan Allah

      Dari dengar ceramah makhluk lain , dia ceramah bagus bagus, anda terangguk angguk dan mengakuinya ... pun sama iblis dan syaitan gelak tergolek golek.

      Lebih baik dengar ceramah ustaz azhar idrus dari dengar ceramah manusia yang kerasukan, manusia yang kerasukan adalah manusia yang lemah imannya, lemah taqwanya ...kerana itulah mudah di pengaruhi makhluk lain...

      Bunian dari cahaya ?...... apa saudara tak pikirkah malaikat itu dari apa.?..... roh manusia tu dari apa?....

      Tidakkan saudara mampu berfikir....atau boleh tok katakan sebenarnya SAUDARA BUKAN ISLAM, namun org kafir yang cuba melemahkan kami org islam dengan propaganda asing seperti mana nasibnya nasrul haq satu ketika dahulu?....

      Bagi yang lemah pemikirannya sahaja boleh menerima blog saudara. Ilmu Allah luas, jangan pekungkan KEKUASAAN Allah itu dan merendah rendahkan martabat kamu sebagai seorang Hamba Allah

    2. My dear Tok Mat GB. Thank you for your comments for it has shown your true colours. Before I go on, I would like to state here that I am well-versed in Bahasa Malaysia and I understand what you are trying to convey. So if you think that this Mat Salleh cannot understand you and will not be able to reply, please think again.

      There are many out there who wish to know more about these beings that the Malays refer to as the Bunian (some mistakenly label them as "Orang Bunian" (orang = man/people) which is a misnomer. I am simply helping them to understand and perhaps open their minds a bit.

      Bunian and Malaikat (angels) are both of light, but they are as different as jin and iblis (both of which are of fire). And humans, stated in the Quran as being made of soil, also have their contemporaries which were also made of soil. Guess what? Animals! Allah made everything in pairs, not just in the case of gender but also creation itself. If you think that this is not possible, then I must say that you are denying the limitless power of Allah, are you not? How then, do you claim to be a Muslim (and accuse me of being a heretic)?

      I stand witness that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger. Please repent, Tok Mat GB, for your statement had falsely accused me of being a non-believer ("atau boleh tok katakan sebenarnya SAUDARA BUKAN ISLAM, namun org kafir") Which means "or perhaps I can say that YOU ARE NOT A MUSLIM, but an infidel". If you truly are a Muslim, you should know better than to falsely accuse (or even assume) someone regarding his Faith. May Allah have mercy on your soul, Tok Mat.

      To the other readers out there, please do not be discouraged or intimidated by people such as this. This is the type of people who are chasing other people away from Islam, away from the Light. However, please understand that he is but one of the minority of those who claim to be Muslims but don't walk the talk.

    3. Please do not fight you guys.. I know all about bunian... bunian are part of my life... many human being were fooled by jinn... bunian are sacred. Jinn and demon afraid of sacred because bunian can take them from human.. jinn love to stay with human.. when this thing happen human will get sick... actually bunian helps people a lot.. they fight against demons and non-islamic jinn... Allah create angels and angels have their own task that are given by Allah... so bunian is Allah creation too and they fought against demons/iblis/satan... iblis dont die starting from Adam until today... so how many of them?? Millions trillions zillion superzillions... none of us could imagine how many of them...
      Allah gives us al-Quran and surah which we can use some of it to protect us from iblis/satan/demon... but remember you guys, bunian do not harm human being

  2. Kebaikan di pandang kejahatan oleh manusia akhir zaman. Allah tuhan yang Esa. Satu.

  3. Sebaiknya bagi yang ingin berkongsi rahsia Allah yg terbuka hijabnya demi manfaat manusia, dikongsikan dalam ruang yang khusus, bukan awam...kelak akan menjadi fitnah dan salah tafsir buat yang belum faham..subhanallah..sesungguhnya inti dan nasehat dari puteri bunian lebih banyak kebaikan dan logik dari bahan untuk bertikam lidah.

    1. Salam tuan. Terima kasih kerana berkongsi pendapat. Sesungguhnya, itulah tujuan Puteri Ratna, untuk menyampaikan kebenaran kepada Manusia yang acapkali dipesongkan oleh Jin dan Iblis yang senantiasa ingin menyesatkan kita. Sekiranya dikongsi di dalam ruangan yang khusus, maka tidak ramailah yang akan mendapat manfaatnya, tuan.

      Sesetengah manusia memang suka membuat kesimpulan sendiri berdasarkan ilmu yang cetek dan kepentingan peribadi mereka. Pernyataan Puteri Ratna sedikit sebanyak boleh menjejaskan perniagaan pihak-pihak tertentu di luar sana dan ini menyebabkan mereka tidak senang duduk... kebenaran telah dibongkar. Tiada bank di Alam Bunian dan para Bunian tidak memberi harta kepada manusia.

      Title "ustaz" bukan lesen untuk kita menjadi pakar dalam segala ilmu. Ilmu Allah ini terlalu luas, janganlah kita menyempitkannya. Tidak kurang juga pengikut fanatik yang menyanjung dan "menyembah" ustaz-ustaz yang mereka anggap terlalu hebat, dan sewenang-wenangnya "memetik" nama ustaz-ustaz ini untuk kredibiliti. Tiada yang hebat selain Allah, dan ambillah kisah Nabi Musa dan Nabi Khidir sebagai teladan.

  4. Haiwan dijadikan daripada air, ya.... get your fact straight, ok...
