Thursday, 7 February 2013

The Human-Bunian hybrid

May peace be with you. As I have mentioned before, the gentleman known as Panglima Bentara Tujuh is the guardian of the one and only Human-Bunian hybrid. Recently, I have had the chance to communicate with him one-to-one over the internet. In our brief contact, I managed to ask him a few questions about his charge, Puteri Nur (literally "Princess of Light"). It was an enlightening experience.

According to him, Puteri Nur is - on the outside - a seemingly ordinary woman. She lives a normal life with her family and kids. Nonetheless, she is the descendant of the Bunian lord Putera Nara, on her father's side. By human reckoning, Putera Nara would be her ancestor, 5 generations up. However, in Bunian terms, Puteri Nur is his direct descendant. When I asked him (Bentara Tujuh) how this was possible, he explained that the lineage between Putera Nara and Puteri Nur are all humans. The Bunian was about to take Puteri Nur away from her mother's womb when she was about 6 months old. Surprisingly, Puteri Nur's body was surrounded by the Light of the Bunian - a Bunian with a physical body! They decided against taking her with them, but continued to monitor her progress through her birth, childhood and all the way to the present time. Five Muslim Tiger Jinns were assigned to look after her as well. These five guardians were assigned by the Bunian, and not in any way accepted or invited by Puteri Nur. As such, their existence is not against the Muslim faith.

Her birth was an enigma to all, and on all Planes. By the time Puteri Nur was born, Putera Nara had passed, and the duty of looking after the Human-Bunian hybrid fell on the shoulders of Puteri Sari, his sister. The Bunian are gifted with longevity, but in the case of Putera Nara, his life-span was drastically reduced when he married a Human woman. It was from this union that Puteri Nur's line was forged. The Bunian lineage is unlike that of the human one. The Bunian 'trait' may or may not appear with the next in line. More often than not, it skips a few generations - as in the case of Puteri Nur.

What does she do, one may ask? Well, to keep it short, Puteri Nur is a healer. She helps people who have problems that medical science cannot explain. Her patients come from all walks of life. The best thing about her treatment process is that she does not require anything - no incense, lime, needles, keris or anything like that - to treat people. She only uses verses from the Quran and her natural Bunian ability to extract and release the jinn, iblis or disease that is plaguing the patient. Those who are into quantum physics or new age philosophy or fungshui may refer to this as removal of negative elements or negative energy from the body in order to restore its balance.

This is what Puteri Nur does on an almost daily basis. I am intrigued and at the same time in awe of this remarkable woman. Till we meet again, peace!


  1. "They decided against taking her with them,"
    Even so, what purpose does one take away a child from his/her mother and which mother will ever agree to it? That is literally kidnapping.

    "Puteri Nur is a healer"
    What happens if she by nature desires to be an engineer?

    1. Again, brother, lack of knowledge in a subject matter... Please read up on why the Bunian takes unborn babies away from their mothers... if these incidents do happen - which they rarely do, genuinely - it is because the baby was NOT HUMAN. It could not have survived in a human world. What would happen to the mother if the baby that was delivered turned out to be invisible? No one else but the mother could see it? Obviously, this person will be labelled as mentally ill and taken away to the loony bin!

      A genuine case of a missing baby taken away by the Bunian means that the baby's parents (either one of them, or both) are of Bunian descent. Somebody in their family tree was married to a Bunian (which was the case of Puteri Nur) and as Allah wills it, their descendants will either become fully human or fully Bunian. In case the baby was fully human, it will be born naturally into the human world. Otherwise, it was the duty of the Bunian to take the unborn child and raise it in the Bunian realm. Puteri Nur was an exception in that she is a Bunian with a Human body - a HYBRID.

      The Bunian do not simply kidnap random human babies. There are also medical conditions that have similar symptoms, and the Jinn are also able to harm the fetus, making it look as if the Bunian were responsible.

      And for your info, Puteri Nur never wanted to be healer in the first place. She had her own career, but Allah put her on this Path... it was not her choice to be born a hybrid, nor was it her choice to carry out the responsibilities of a healer. Qada' and qadar, brother... I am sure you are aware of that. Wassalam...

  2. Need to get intouch with

    My email :

    1. My email is I also have a facebook account Muhammad (Bentara Tujuh Official).

  3. 0134219907...tawakkaltu alallah
